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Summary Data for Zip Code: 95482


Zip Code: 95482


County: Mendocino
89,497 Persons

State: California
39,172,872 Persons

Percent Population Change: 2020 to 2024

Zip Code: 95482


County: Mendocino

State: California

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Population by Race Zip Code: 95482 County: Mendocino State: California
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
White 17,367 53.33% 56,065 62.64% 15,278,513 39.00%
Black/African American 251 0.77% 628 0.70% 2,215,038 5.65%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 1,481 4.55% 4,472 5.00% 642,765 1.64%
Asian 1,232 3.78% 1,941 2.17% 6,241,623 15.93%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 77 0.24% 148 0.17% 157,245 0.40%
Some Other Race 7,205 22.13% 13,512 15.10% 8,661,955 22.11%
2+ Races 4,951 15.20% 12,731 14.23% 5,975,733 15.25%
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Population by Ethnicity Zip Code: 95482 County: Mendocino State: California
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Hispanic/Latino 12,542 38.51% 25,443 28.43% 16,180,144 41.30%
Non-Hispanic/Latino 20,022 61.49% 64,054 71.57% 22,992,728 58.70%
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Population by Age Group Zip Code: 95482 County: Mendocino State: California
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
0-4 1,812 5.56% 4,394 4.91% 2,077,354 5.30%
5-9 1,975 6.06% 4,706 5.26% 2,181,469 5.57%
10-14 2,232 6.85% 5,355 5.98% 2,421,275 6.18%
15-17 1,329 4.08% 3,214 3.59% 1,535,768 3.92%
18-20 1,307 4.01% 3,117 3.48% 1,681,239 4.29%
21-24 1,652 5.07% 3,865 4.32% 2,109,414 5.38%
25-34 3,929 12.07% 9,490 10.60% 5,533,827 14.13%
35-44 4,324 13.28% 11,463 12.81% 5,437,084 13.88%
45-54 3,721 11.43% 10,256 11.46% 4,864,367 12.42%
55-64 3,659 11.24% 10,693 11.95% 4,776,532 12.19%
65-74 3,880 11.91% 14,368 16.05% 3,834,304 9.79%
75-84 2,007 6.16% 6,620 7.40% 1,995,084 5.09%
85+ 737 2.26% 1,956 2.19% 725,155 1.85%
Population by Sex
Population by Sex Zip Code: 95482 County: Mendocino State: California
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Male 16,001 49.14% 44,749 50.00% 19,351,680 49.40%
Female 16,563 50.86% 44,748 50.00% 19,821,192 50.60%


Zip Code: 95482


County: Mendocino
35,525 Households

State: California
13,390,733 Households


Zip Code: 95482


County: Mendocino
21,887 Families

State: California
9,208,261 Families

Average Household Size

Zip Code: 95482


County: Mendocino
2.48 Persons

State: California
2.86 Persons

Households With Own Children

Zip Code: 95482

(29.27% of Households)

County: Mendocino
8,192 Households (23.06% of Households)

State: California
3,886,869 Households (29.03% of Households)

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Median Household Income by Race Zip Code: 95482 County: Mendocino State: California
Value Value Value
All $67,740 $64,317 $92,605
White $71,389 $67,048 $99,794
Black/African American $100,781 $91,304 $65,932
American Indian/Alaskan Native $62,360 $66,167 $74,709
Asian $128,860 $108,532 $120,716
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $53,409 $50,735 $95,072
Some Other Race $71,103 $61,973 $71,773

Families Below Poverty

Zip Code: 95482

(11.39% of Families)

County: Mendocino
2,555 Families (11.67% of Families)

State: California
815,810 Families (8.86% of Families)

Families Below Poverty with Children

Zip Code: 95482

(9.64% of Families)

County: Mendocino
1,811 Families (8.27% of Families)

State: California
568,841 Families (6.18% of Families)

Housing Units

Zip Code: 95482

Housing units

County: Mendocino
41,195 Housing units

State: California
14,486,492 Housing units

Owner-Occupied Housing Units Average Value

Zip Code: 95482


County: Mendocino

State: California

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Population 25+ by Educational Attainment Zip Code: 95482 County: Mendocino State: California
Persons % of Population Age 25+ Persons % of Population Age 25+ Persons % of Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 2,697 12.12% 5,044 7.78% 2,401,583 8.84%
Some High School, No Diploma 1,794 8.06% 4,952 7.64% 1,870,987 6.89%
High School Grad 5,574 25.04% 16,425 25.33% 5,621,896 20.69%
Some College, No Degree 5,278 23.71% 16,939 26.12% 5,434,824 20.01%
Associate Degree 1,988 8.93% 5,537 8.54% 2,147,325 7.90%
Bachelor's Degree 2,960 13.30% 9,338 14.40% 5,965,443 21.96%
Master's Degree 1,367 6.14% 4,693 7.24% 2,537,246 9.34%
Professional Degree 414 1.86% 1,309 2.02% 690,747 2.54%
Doctorate Degree 185 0.83% 609 0.94% 496,302 1.83%

Population 16+: Unemployed

Zip Code: 95482


County: Mendocino

State: California

Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.