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2019 Community Health Needs Assessment: 2020 Healthy Mendocino Community Health Improvement Planning Document

To read the Planning Document click HERE 

This Planning document is a summary of the work completed on the 2019 Community Healthy Needs Assessment (CHNA) and it's findings. Included is information on Community Assets and Resources, Community Health Needs and Identified Priorities, an analysis of the 2019 Healthy Mendocino Listening Tours, and Strategies and Actions for possible next steps. 

The Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) for Mendocino County is a compilation of quantitative and qualitative data from multiple sources, woven together to provide a comprehensive picture of the health of county residents. Many community members, key formal and informal leaders, and community partners shared their wisdom, knowledge, experiences, and perceptions about the health of residents and the capacity of the local public health system to provide essential public health services.

The CHNA project looked at the community’s health through a wide lens of health equity and social determinants of health.

The Data Collection methods used: 

Using these methods, the CHNA Planning Group identified the following issues based on the analysis of the primary and secondary data sources as leading Community Health Needs / Priorities in Mendocino County:

  1. Mental Health
  2. Domestic Abuse (including sexual and child abuse)
  3. Substance Abuse (including drugs, opioids, and alcohol)

Healthy Mendocino conducted Listening Tours with agencies and groups around the county representing a diverse cross sector of the population. This was a compliment to the 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) for community engagement to obtain a better understanding of what community groups feel are the barriers and highest needs for their community members. 

Healthy Mendocino staff proposed three initiatives based on social determinants of health and root causes related to the data from the 2019 CHNA and 2019 Community Listening Tours

Number One:
Workforce Development


Number Two: Improving Mental Health


Number Three: Housing Initiative


 To read the Planning Document click HERE
Patrice Mascolo
Resource Date:
June 30, 2020
Resource Type: