Understanding Trauma through the Science of Resiliency
Upcoming conference entitled “Understanding Trauma through the Science of Resiliency” featuring Linda Chamberlain, Ph.D. as the keynote speaker. Dr. Chamberlain is an internationally recognized speaker and champion for health issues related to domestic violence, children exposed to violence and implications for brain development.
The conference will be held Saturday, June 16, 2018 at the Ukiah Valley Conference Center from 10-4pm. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided. We will also be premiering the documentary featuring Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and her work around ACEs and resiliency entitled, “Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope.”
Designed for educators, parents, care-givers, physicians, and helping professionals, this conference aims to give tangible skills and techniques to better address the trauma expressed by the children we serve while also building greater resiliency.
The link to register is here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/understanding-our-trauma-through-the-science-of-resiliency-tickets-44900282955
Please join us for an uplifting day of inspiration and connection! Please feel free to share this with any interested partners!